Help identify UMRA’s next leaders
As UMRA’s immediate past president, it’s my job to chair the Nominating Committee to recommend candidates for our next president-elect and for open positions on the UMRA Board of Directors.
Are you interested in serving on the Nominating Committee? The commitment is modest, but important. The committee will hold two to three meetings via Zoom in January and February, and each member will contact a prospective candidate.
The primary role of the president-elect is to serve as the chair of the UMRA Program Committee, which is responsible for planning UMRA’s forums and workshops for the coming year. Board members are elected for three-year terms and may be reelected for a second term.
If you have ideas for people who might be good for these roles (including yourself), or if you are interested in serving on the Nominating Committee, please let me know by email.
—Eric Hockert, UMRA past president and 2025 Nominating Committee chair, [email protected]
If you or someone you know would be a good candidate for president-elect or a position on the UMRA Board of Directors, please contact one of the eight members of UMRA’s 2025 Nominating Committee.
Meet Michael Luxenberg, the new co-leader of the UMRA Hiking Club. A retired data analyst and entrepreneur, he met his wife, UMRA member and Professor Emerita Joan Garfield, when both were grad students at the U of M and rode the campus bus from Minneapolis to St. Paul.
Former President Jimmy Carter’s version of “retirement” was remarkable. What if all U of M retirees started the new year stepping up our efforts to make the world better?
The UMRA-sponsored Journal of Opinions, Ideas & Essays has added three videos to its online collection of original publications by UMRA members.