Members of UMRA’s board are elected to three-year terms and may serve two consecutive terms. All officers serve one-year terms; the secretary and treasurer may be re-elected annually.
Board of Directors: Contact any officer or log in to the Member Portal for a full list of officers' contact information.
President: President-Elect: Past President: Treasurer: Secretary: URVC Chair: | Julie Sweitzer Diane Young Eric Hockert Ron Matross Jan Morlock Kristy Frost-Greip Laura Koch Jerry Rinehart |
Will Craig Russell Luepker Kate Maple John Bantle Peggy Mann Rinehart | Jan McCulloch Barb Shiels Brad Clary Diane Gihl Michael Hancher Wendy Pradt Lougee |
UMRA is a 501(c)(4) operated exclusively to promote social welfare not for profit.