Join UMRA!

All currently retired or soon-to-be-retired University of Minnesota employees and their spouses or significant others are eligible to join UMRA. Your initial membership is free! When you first join UMRA, you’ll get a free membership that lasts until June 30th of the next year. After that, dues are $40 per year for a single membership and $60 for a dual membership.


Once you’re part of UMRA, you can enjoy a wide range of member benefits, including educational programs, social events, parking discounts and much more.

Join Online

Member Benefits 

Forum Reservations 


It’s quickest for you and easiest for us if you join using our online membership application. Doing so will create your profile and account. The account will allow you to make reservations for programs, pay membership dues when you renew, search our database of other members and elect to receive the UMRA newsletter. You can update your account information at any time.

Join online, it's fast and easy.

Paper alternative—If you prefer to submit a hardcopy application, download and print a pdf application form and submit it by mail. (Note: this can take over a month to process.)

UMRA Membership  
McNamara Alumni Center, Suite 250  
200 Oak Street S.E.  
Minneapolis, MN  55455-2002

Do not mail event reservations checks to this address. Email [email protected].

Renew your Membership

UMRA memberships are annual and expire on June 30 of the year after you renew. You can renew by mail, but we would prefer online renewals. If you prefer to pay by mail, send a check to the UMRA address above. (Note that processing paper checks can take over a month.)

Forgot your password? Reset your password—just enter your email address of record and submit. You will get a simple email message with a link that lets you choose and set a new password.


  1. Start by logging in to Renew Membership and making any needed updates or corrections to your information. 
  2. Go through your profile and make needed changes, if any. At the end of the form, click on “Save Changes & Renew.” Click on this button even if you have no changes. 
  3. On the next page, choose your membership type and, optionally, pre-register and pay for upcoming programs you plan to attend. Click the “Pay by Credit Card” button. 
  4. When you click on “Pay by credit card”, you will be taken to the secure Stripe payment page. Fill in your credit card information and click on the “Pay” button. 
  5. You will be then taken to a confirmation page showing your payment amount and any luncheon date you registered for. You will also receive an immediate email confirmation

If you have any difficulties with the member form, please describe them in an email to the webmaster: [email protected].