UMRA Book Club II: The Friendly Fourth Friday Book Club

We welcome new readers to join in discussing member-selected books, both fiction and non-fiction.  Currently, we are getting together on Zoom the fourth Friday of each month. Due to possible conflicts with winter holidays, meeting dates for the November/December have been adjusted.

See all UMRA events. 

For more information, please contact either Dorothy Marden at [email protected] or Maggie Catambay at [email protected].

For Book Notes in addition to those from Book Club I (below), see the Book Notes page.

Upcoming Events

In the Garden of Beasts
Event date:

Erik Larson’s non-fiction narrative recounts the struggles of middle-class University of Chicago, Professor William Dodd, was appointed as U.S. ambassador to Germany during the rise of Hitler and the Third Reich. Dodd not only had to deal with the threats to democracy, but his thriftiness was criticized by State Department officials who mainly came from wealthy elite families. In addition, Dodd’s daughter began dating Nazi officials.