The Journal of Opinions, Ideas & Essays (JOIE) is an open access, online journal sponsored by UMRA. The journal provides a digital venue for a wide variety of articles submitted by retired or active faculty, staff and alumni from the Twin Cities and coordinate campuses of the University. The articles are intended for a broad, general audience.
JOIE Online
Please visit the JOIE website to enjoy the articles or to submit one of your own. Examples include biographical, historical, or literary essays; matters of curricular interest; comments on University issues; pedagogical essays; short stories or poetry; book reviews; speculative scientific hypotheses or essays. As an electronic journal, JOIE can accommodate graphics and illustrations and is well-suited for photographic essays or other artistic presentations.
Recent additions to the journal include three diverse articles: an anthology of retirement stories, Retirement Stories; a surprisingly dramatic early history of University athletics, College Athletics: Evolution of Structure and Control at the University of Minnesota; and a review of residential and community rainwater control methods, Stormwater Management: Raingardens to Bioretention Areas. JOIE publications have persistent URLs through the University Digital Conservancy and are accessible on the internet using search engines such as Google.
Submitting to JOIE
There is no due date for submissions to JOIE and articles are published as soon as they are reviewed and approved by a committee of volunteer editors. There are no set formatting rules or length restrictions. All high-quality contributions are welcome. Editor-in-chief Kristine Bettin will assist authors in fine-tuning a paper for publication in the journal. Also, please contact Kris with any questions or suggestions on ideas or content.