
UMRA partners with other UMN organizations. Our network of Liaisons and Representatives are active with these partner organizations to keep UMRA members informed about University work and represent UMRA to the organizations. 

UMN Partners

Minneapolis skyline

UMRA has well established partnerships with the Office of the Provost, the VP for Research, VP for University Relations, U of M Foundation, U of M Alumni Association, University Bookstores, and the University Campus Club. 

Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost

In 2013, UMRA and the Provost’s office approved a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) which outlines the important connections and mutual interests of UMRA and the University. Revised and renewed in 2022, the MOU helps ensure that UMRA’s initiatives and activities are aligned with the University’s strategic plans and mission and that the University continues to recognize and support the important service UMRA provides to retirees.  

University of Minnesota Foundation (UMF)

The U of M Foundation partnered with us to raise funds for the Professional Development Grants for Retirees (PDGR) on their crowdfunding platform. PDGR supports retirees who are continuing to do research or pursue an area of study. Since 2009, the PDGR program has awarded more than 130 grants.

University of Minnesota Alumni Association (UMAA)

UMRA and UMAA signed a partnership agreement that acknowledges our mutual support for the University of Minnesota and itemizes areas for collaboration. Many UMRA Forums and Workshops are shared on UMAA Gold Mind. See more about UMRA joining Gold Mind.

UMRA members may join the Alumni Association at the special rate given to current U of M employees. Membership unlocks access to rewards such as a subscription to the award-winning quarterly magazine Minnesota Alumni. Join at, selecting the U of M Employees membership option. 

Osher Lifelong Learning Institute (OLLI)

UMRA partners with OLLI on travel tours that are educational and provide an opportunity to meet new members and socialize. Many UMRA members are part of the OLLI learning organization. 

OLLI offers a $20 discount to UMRA members for the initial year of membership. Over 300 courses (all included in cost of membership) are offered each year. To receive your UMRA discount and get information about course schedules, call OLLI at 612-624-7847 or visit the OLLI website.

Will Craig and Goldy


Age Friendly University   

As we age and move into retirement, we carry with us lifetimes of experience in innovation, creativity, and leadership. At the University of Minnesota Retirees Association (UMRA), we choose to purposefully engage in age-inclusive activities and learning opportunities for the betterment of our University and communities.

We are a proud member of the Age-Friendly University of Minnesota Council where we envision a campus that is a leader in age-friendly work, older adults are fully integrated into University life, and our students are fully prepared to meet the needs of our changing communities.

In September 2020, the University became the first institution of higher education in Minnesota to enroll in the Age-Friendly University Global Network. Being an active part of the University’s Age-Friendly University Council underscores UMRA’s commitment to older adults, retirees, and lifelong learners.


The Council believes that: 

  • We all benefit from intergenerational approaches and exchanges 
  • Lifelong learners bring experience and perspective that enrich education 
  • Diversity, equity, and inclusion are central pillars to all the work we do 
  • Ageism is a pervasive form of bigotry that must be challenged and eliminated 

For more information, visit the Age-Friendly University of Minnesota website or email Eric Hockert, UMRA past president and UMRA representative to the University of Minnesota Age-Friendly University Council.

Other affiliations and memberships

Higher education institutions across the country have retiree organizations and many of them like to connect with each other. 

The Big Ten Retirees Associations site provides links to the websites of member organizations. To access the most useful and most timely information about each member group and their institution, select from the links in the directory on their site.

AROHE logo

The Association of Retirement Organizations in Higher Education (AROHE), founded in 2002, has 121 member organizations and linking retired faculty/staff associations, retiree and emeriti centers, and campus offices that engage retirees such as human resources, academic affairs, alumni, and advancement/development.

AROHE provides resources and connections to increase retirees' value to their colleges/universities, communities, and professions in the areas of philanthropy, advocacy on behalf of the institution, volunteerism, and institutional knowledge and commitment. 

These groups hold webinars and meetings to share ideas and best practices. UMRA is active in both groups. UMRA member Cherie Hamilton is an AROHE Board member and has been nominated for president (2022).  For more info contact us.

Learn more about UMRA’s involvement in these retirement organizations.