2015-2016 Upcoming Events

Upcoming Speakers

October 27: Philip Pardey, Applied Economics and Center for International Science & Technology Practice & Policy.

November 17: Craig Packer, professor in the Department of Ecology, Evolution, and Behavior.

January 26, 2016: Julie Schumacher, professor, U of M Creative Writing Program; author of “Dear Committee Members.”

February 23, 2016: Provost Karen Hansen, “The University of Minnesota’s Strategic Plan.”

UMRA workshops for fall 2015 and beyond

October 27, Finance Workshop #1: Andrew Whitman, professor, Carlson School of Management, “Money Decisions in Retirement.”

November 17: Martha M. Feda, “Lifetime Physical Health: Moving and Grooving.”

January 26, 2016, Finance Workshop #2: Andrew Whitman, professor, Carlson School of Management, “Health Care, Home Care, and Long-term Care: Costs, Insurance, and Decisions.”

February 23, 2016: “Being Mortal” with clips from “Frontline” and discussion by Cindy Cain, “Finding peace and gratitude for you and your family in the fiNal years.”

March 29, 2016, Finance Workshop #3: Andrew Whitman, professor, Carlson School of Management, “Charitable and Family Gift-making and Getting Your Documents in Order.”
