2016 Nominating Committee invites participation

At its January meeting, the UMRA board named the membership of the 2016 Nominating Committee to select officers and board members. In accordance with UMRA’s bylaws, the members of that committee represent:

Board members—
Donna Peterson, currently the President-elect
Hal Miller, Immediate Past President

Other UMRA members—
John S. Anderson, Earl Nolting, Julie Medbery
The Nominating Committee is responsible for identifying a slate of candidates for election at the May business meeting of the association.

The positions that will be open are:
President-elect—This person will serve one year as presi¬dent-elect (2016—17), then become president for 2017—18.
Secretary—This is a one-year term and can be re-elected.
Treasurer—Also a one-year term, also re-electable.
Three Board members—each to serve three-year terms.

The Nominating Committee is eager to receive suggestions for persons to consider for these important positions. If you are willing to help us fill these needs, we would appreciate hearing from you. If you are interested in serving in one of these roles, we would welcome your contacting one of the Nominating Committee members by e-mail.

Hal Miller, Chair ([email protected]); Donna Peterson ([email protected]), John S. Anderson (ander049@umn. edu), Earl Nolting ([email protected]), Julie Medbery ([email protected]).

Thank you for your help.

— Hal Miller, chair, Nominating Committee.
