2022–23 UMRA Board of Directors

This year’s election of new officers and board members was held virtually in advance of the UMRA Annual Meeting on May 24, to accommodate those attending in person and those attending via Zoom. Such a method is permitted under the UMRA bylaws. 

The Nominating Committee, appointed by the board at its February meeting, presented the following slate of candidates after making several appeals to the UMRA membership, via the newsletter and email, asking for nominations:

Eric Hockert, president-elect
Julie Sweitzer, secretary (nominated for reelection)
Kristy Frost-Griep, treasurer
Russell Luepker, Kate Maple (new board members)
Will Craig (nominated for a second three-year term)

President Jan Morlock announced at the May 24 meeting that the slate of officers and board members was unanimously approved. The new board, which assumed office July 1, also includes the following:

Ron Matross, president (automatically moved from president-elect to president); Jan Morlock, past president; Jerry Rinehart, URVC chair; and directors John Bantle, Frank Cerra, Bill Donohue, Cathy Lee Gierke, Cherie Hamilton, Laura Coffin Koch, Jan McCulloch, Barbara Shiels, KaiMay Yuen Terry, Cathrine Wambach, and Diane Young.

A warm welcome to the new and returning officers and board members and thanks for their service to UMRA!

—Frank Cerra, MD, UMRA past president and Nominating Committee chair
