Big Plans for 2019

The Social Activities Committee has put together a draft of possible events for January–August 2019. Our planning took into consideration your suggestions from our recent survey, and we hope you will continue to send suggestions for future events. The events for January and February are confirmed.

Confirmed and proposed events

  • January: Armchair Traveler [see >Events >Social Activities for details]
  • February: Gopher Women's Basketball game [reservations are closed]
  • March: UROC (Urban Research and Outreach-Engagement Center) neighborhood forum
  • April: museum tour and lunch
  • May: annual meeting and celebration
  • June: Mississippi River boat tour
  • June/July: jazz concert and happy hour, Campus Club
  • July/August: campus Equine Center and Bee Lab tours

We’ll keep you informed as we confirm or change the agenda.

—Cherie Hamilton, chair, Social Activities Committee
