“From the Bookshelf” needs your input

For the past year or so, the UMRA Cares committee has taken responsibility for the “Bookshelf” column which printed recommendations from UMRA members on interesting reading. The series last year mainly dealt with books on health and aging, although any book was welcome.

Cares Committee and the newsletter editor think this series has value as a way for members to share good reads; however, we need a little of your time and effort for it to survive. If you found a book that you want to recommend to others, please take a moment and share your discoveries with us.

UMRA has a phone number for all general questions about our organization that gets checked daily. UMRACares has an email address that is checked weekly.

If you leave a message at either place, your book recommendation will be shared with the UMRA Book Club and the Cares Committee for follow up contact. Both groups are very interested in your reading discoveries.

The current year (2016) has seen many interesting new books. Please let us know of your personal memorable book “finds” by calling UMRA at 612-626-4403 or sending an email to [email protected]. Thanks.

— Earl Nolting
