Candidate for election as Secretary

Judy Garrard was a psychologist and faculty member in the health sciences at the University for 44 years, prior to retiring in 2015. Judy began as curriculum evaluator in the Medical School, then transferred to the School of Public Health (SPH) in 1978 as an associate professor. After postgraduate work in epidemiology, she led research teams in psychotropic medication use by the elderly, resulting in over 100 peer-reviewed publications.

Her other research topics included pharmacoepidemiology of anti-epileptic drugs, disparities in mental health services, Hepatitis C treatment, and federal narcoleptic medication policies. She taught graduate courses in research methods and program evaluation and received the SPH Award for Excellence in Teaching.

Judy was the senior associate dean for Research and Academic Affairs in SPH for eight years. Throughout her career, she was active in faculty governance at the school and University levels, including chair of FCC.
