Candidates wanted for UMRA board

Following its appointment by the Board of Directors in February, the Nominating Committee will begin its work. Each year the following UMRA positions are up for election or re-election:

  • At least four board slots, for three-year terms (renewable)
  • treasurer and secretary, each for a one-year term (renewable)
  • president-elect, for a one-year term followed by one year each as president and past-president

Member input can greatly aid us in our work. The Nominating Committee will collectively know only a small portion of the total membership.So please, please, please take a few minutes to go through the UMRA Membership Directory and/or your mental list of UMRA friends and acquaintances and then send me the names of anyone you think the Nominating Committee should consider. We welcome self-nominations, so don’t hesitate to include your own name.—Chip Peterson, UMRA past president and Nominating Committee chair, [email protected]
