From the Cares Bookshelf

If you want to become informed about the latest research on the power of meaning, the place to start is a new book by Emily Esfahani Smith, The Power of Meaning: Crafting a Life That Matters.

Smith writes that within psychology is “a growing new movement, one that is fundamentally reshaping our understanding of the good life. [The] research shows that the search for meaning in life is far more fulfilling than the pursuit of personal happiness.” Like so many who write on the topic of meaning in life, Smith strongly advocates doing things for others as the best route toward meaning and contentment with life.

In her last chapter, Smith tackles the challenge of finding meaning in retirement. She notes that research finds that a sense of purpose declines with age and into the transition to retirement. This emerging emptiness leads some in later life to seek changes such as connecting with volunteer projects and seeking out new activities as advocated by the Encore organization that was founded by Marc Freedman.

Both academics and non-academics will find this book easy to read. Smith discusses the implications of dozens of new research studies on the role and impact of meaning and makes the material very understandable.

— Ron Anderson, Cares Committee Chair
