From the Cares Bookshelf

Letters from Madelyn: Chronicles of a Caregiver, 2nd Edition by Elaine Sanchez (2016). Boutique of Quality Book Publishing, Inc. (Amazon Kindle version is $6.15)

This heart-wrenching story emerges in letters written by Madelyn, an elderly farm wife, who for six years served as caregiver for her dying husband, who had suffered a major stroke. Elaine, the author, is Madelyn’s daughter, who wrote that her purpose was “to honor my mother’s memory and fulfill her wish of helping others who find themselves struggling to cope with the emotional stress of caring for a loved one.”

While 70-year old Madelyn Kubin was spiritually strong, her physical fragility exacerbated her ability to give the care her husband needed. By the end of the six years of family caregiving, both Madelyn and her husband had passed away. The story spanning those six years reveals a remarkably strong caregiver in her emotional and spiritual well-being, despite her isolation, loneliness, and stress. Madelyn writes unabashedly about her anger, guilt, depression, and grief. When her husband, Quentin, displays dementia-related inappropriate sexual behavior, Madelyn eventually learns how to handle it with grace and humor. She shows how it is possible, even in the very worst end-of-life situations, to experience mental and spiritual growth.

The author, Elaine K Sanchez, is a co-founder of, an online caregiver support program. Her book takes a very close look at aging, proving the adage that “growing old isn't for sissies.” Although growing old together can be consoling, the job of caregiving becomes even more demanding. If you worry about the headaches and traumas of wearing out together, especially as a member of an intimate pair, you will find the book relevant and comforting.

— Ron Anderson, Cares Committee 
