Cares Committee continues series on meditation and mindfulness

This second part of a three-part series on meditation and mindfulness by the Cares Committee focuses on smart phone apps as training tools for learning mindfulness and meditation. In the March issue we focused on learning meditation through books; in May, part 3 will focus on available classes and trainings.

Mindfulness apps: a review of ‘Headspace’

Meditation is a skill that is particularly well suited to learning via a smartphone app. With an app, you can have a skilled teacher guide you through meditation sessions at the time and place of your choosing. For the last three years, I have used the market-leading app, “Headspace” ( Used by many corporations and schools, the program is also used by airlines as part of inflight entertainment.

Headspace operates as a subscription service and costs from $7.99 to $12.99 per month after an initial free trial. A subscription gives you access to an extensive library of themed meditation programs, grouped as 10- to 30-day packs, single sessions, or quick “SOS” exercises. The themes cover a wide range of issues, including general concerns like stress, happiness, and anxiety, as well as specific concerns such as sleep, sports performance, and cancer.

The principal founder of Headspace, Andy Puddicombe, was a Buddhist monk for 10 years, and his deep experience with mindfulness informs his teaching. The techniques he teaches vary with the subject, and include not only a traditional focus on breathing, but also analysis and several kinds of imagery. He includes short topical discourses as well as occasional animations.

A frugal way to use Headspace would be to subscribe just long enough to learn some techniques and then practice them on your own. However, I have found the lessons valuable enough that I maintain my subscription. I gain new insights as I repeat the sessions that speak to my current concerns.

Other well-reviewed subscription meditation apps include “Calm,” ( and Buddhify, (

— Ron Matross, Cares Committee member

Mindfulness meditation practitioners: please share your experiences

The Cares Committee is planning a workshop, led by Ron Matross, for next November on the topic of Mindfulness Meditation. If you practice mindfulness or meditation in some form and would be willing to talk briefly about it, please contact Ron Matross ([email protected]) or Ron Anderson ([email protected]).
