Congratulations to UMRA’s 2020–21 Board of Directors

Congratulations to the officers and to the new and returning members elected to serve on UMRA’s board of directors for 2020–21.

Frank Cerra automatically becomes president after being elected to serve as president-elect for 2019–20. 

The new officers, and new and returning board members are:

Jan Morlock, president-elect
Greg Hestness, treasurer
Gary Engstrand, secretary

New board members, elected for 3-year terms
B. Jan McCulloch 
Barbara Shiels 
Cathrine Wambach 

Elected for second, 3-year terms
Vernon Cardwell
Cathy Lee Gierke

For a full description of our new leaders please see page 3 of UMRA’s May Newsletter (linked below). It is an impressive group.

Our thanks to Jerry Rinehart and the nominating committee—Rebecca Anderson, Jean Kinsey, Ron Matross, Marj Savage, and Frank Cerra (ex officio)—for recruiting such outstanding people. Our thanks as well to Carl Adams, our retiring treasurer; Lynn Anderson, our retiring secretary; and to Dick Poppele and Jeanne Markell, who are retiring from the Board. All deserve our gratitude for serving our Retirees Association long and well.

As a result of the pandemic, our election was conducted differently this year. After reporting and describing our candidates, we asked in the May newsletter for any further nominations. We received none. Because we normally elect our candidates by acclamation, according to our bylaws, but could not meet due to the pandemic, the current Board of Directors voted unanimously in its May meeting (via Zoom) to elect the proposed slate by acclamation.  

We hope to hold our next election in person during UMRA’s Annual Meeting in May 2021.

—Bill Donohue, UMRA president 2019–20

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