Connect with UMRA on Facebook

UMRA has created a new Facebook group open to all University of Minnesota retirees. Please join us! 

You can join the nearly 120 members who are already using the group by going to and requesting permission to join. All U of M retirees who request admission will be accepted. 

If you aren't already on Facebook but might like to join, go to to learn more. If you join and then decide you don't like Facebook, you can always leave the group. None of this will cost you any money.

As Frank Cerra wrote in his January 26 email to UMRA, members of the group “may post messages about anything University- or retiree-related and carry on conversations. Feel free to post about life in a pandemic (or life without a pandemic), interesting activities, or links to sites or information that others may find enlightening or fun or useful." 

Tell stories. There are a number of posts already on the site; everyone is welcome to add to the conversation. Unless you set your device to do so, you will not receive pings or notices of posts to the group, but you will see posts on your Facebook page. 

The UMRA Facebook group is open to all U of M retirees, so please feel free to suggest the group to your retiree friends or invite them directly from the Facebook group page once you are a member.

—Gary Engstrand, UMRA secretary
