Cyber tips & tricks—UMRA annual calendar

One of the new features on the UMRA website is an annual calendar where you can see all of the many programs and events, upcoming and past, for the entire fiscal year.

There are links to the calendar all over the website, but the fastest way to find it is by using the main menu at the top of the site. Click on Programs & Events to find the link to the Annual Calendar.

website menu showing link to calendar

Calendar year

At the top of the calendar page, you’ll see a list of months in the UMRA calendar year, beginning in July and ending the following June.

The list of months allows you to quickly link to the calendar month that you’re interested in. Clicking on any one of the months simply takes you to that month’s listing farther down on the same page.

list of links to months in calendar

Events are added to the calendar several months in advance of the actual event date. Because of this, you will see events that link to event details as well as events that are planned, but have no details yet.

Event details

two example events

When you see an event that has a maroon link, you’ll know that you can link to event details and register, if necessary. If you come across an event that does not have the maroon text and underline, that means the details about the event are not yet available and you’ll need to check back later for more information.

The month and year for events appears at the top of each month’s list. In the example above, you’ll see that we’re looking at events for March 2023. The event date is listed in the blue box to the left of the event details.

Past event information

past event on calendar example

If there’s an event that you wanted to attend or were interested in, and it took place during this calendar year, you can easily access any handouts or recordings from the event on the annual calendar. For example, the October 2022 workshop has both a recording and two handouts.

If you click on the event headline, you’ll be taken to a page that has a summary of the past event at the top and the original event announcement below that.

Quick Tip

At any point, when you’re scrolling through this page—it’s a long one!—you can click on the “Back to top” button, which will display on the lower right side of your screen, to quickly get back to the top of the page.

back to top example


We want to hear from you! Do you have a general technology question? Or have you run across something on the UMRA site that confused you or didn’t work the way you expected? Let us know and if the answer to your query would be beneficial to the membership, we’ll write an article about it.

Important note: The website does not currently render properly on small screens such as phones, iPads, Kindles or small tablets. We’re still working to make the site responsive. A responsive website is one that has been built to adjust the screen presentation to look good on all screen sizes. It takes time and lots of coding in the background to make this work. For now it's best viewed on a full size monitor, instead of smaller devices.
