The ever-popular parking discount coupons

Discount coupons for campus parking venues are very popular with UMRA members. Since the use of coupons was initiated in 2012, more than 17,000 have been distributed. Use of a coupon reduces the parking fee to six dollars all day, which is a considerable savings.

Parking discount coupons are available at UMRA luncheons or may be requested by mailing a self-addressed, stamped envelope to John Anderson, 1332 Como Blvd. E., St. Paul, MN 55117. A #10 envelope with one Forever stamp can deliver 21 coupons. Additional postage is necessary if more coupons are requested.

A cautionary note: Avoid keeping your coupons where they might come into contact with magnets or cell phones. These can erase the magnetic strip, making the coupon non-functional.
