Firsthand—experiences with aging

By John Anderson 

I retired in June 2006 after 39 years in the Department of Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, and Biophysics. One of my post-retirement activities has been participation in Nature of Life (NOL), a College of Biological Sciences (COB) program I helped develop in response to a U-wide initiative to improve student retention and graduation rates. Since retirement, the details of my participation have changed, but the fun of interacting with young people who are enthusiastic about joining the U of M community has not.

All CBS freshmen are required to attend NOL prior to their first semester at the U. Sessions occur in July at the Itasca Biological Station and Laboratories and last three days. NOL provides opportunity for the students to get acquainted with some of their future classmates, meet several faculty, and participate in activities designed to help the freshmen feel a part of the college and succeed as university students.

Each evening I have the privilege of introducing the traditions of the college and the university. Topics range from unique aspects of CBS to why we are known as Gophers. The students also learn to sing Hail! Minnesota and the Minnesota Rouser.

More than 6,000 students have participated in NOL over the past 16 years, and it is gratifying to know that I have played a role in helping these students integrate into the University community and graduate in a timely fashion. It is great fun to be a part of this activity, and interacting with young people helps me maintain a youthful perspective in life. So, I have eagerly agreed to participate in six more NOL sessions this coming July.


If you would like to share a firsthand experience related to health and aging, please contact Ron Anderson, UMRA Cares Committee, at [email protected].



Since retiring from the College of Biological Sciences faculty, UMRA member Kathryn Hanna has pursued her longtime interest in the arts and antiques and is currently the co-president of the Fan Association of North America, a nonprofit organization of hand fan collectors. 


October 1 marks the start of the 2025 competition for financial support from UMRA’s Professional Development Grants for Retirees program. Retirees from all five campuses within the U of M System are eligible to apply whether or not they are members of UMRA.


The Regents’ Special Committee on Academic Health is seeking feedback from the University community on a draft of the Health Sciences Strategic Plan drawn up by the deans of the University’s six health sciences schools and colleges. 


So, you have set up a new email account; set up your recovery emails and phone numbers for this new account (!!);  moved your emails, contacts, and documents from Google Drive to the new account; notified all your friends and business associates. Now what??

Did you check all of your online accounts?  Any that use the old UMN account will need changes -- you may need to change the login, or the contact info, or both -- to the new email address.  This article lists other details to consider.


On December 7, many of us will lose our UMN email addresses and any files associated with these accounts. There are three basic things we need to do to prepare.


UMRA member Susan Kubitschek attended the University of Minnesota on the G.I. Bill and, after working at the U for 40 years, retired as assistant dean and director of Collegiate Life in the College of Science and Engineering.


Delegates to the Big Ten Retirees Association 2024 annual conference met at The Ohio State University in July to learn about Ohio State, share ideas, and develop closer ties among the 28 attendees from 12 of the 14 Big Ten schools. Minnesota will host the conference in 2026.


“UMRA members are engaged ‘University citizens’ with decades of experience at every level of this great institution, and we want to have a mutually useful and effective relationship with the Board of Regents,” says John Finnegan, UMRA’s new liaison to the regents.


UMRA member Mike Austin is taking full advantage of his retirement to volunteer in a variety of activities, travel, and learn a new language. He says, “I have the time, I have the ability, and I get bored sitting around.”


Funding of up to $5,000 per grant is available to support U of M retirees’ research, instructional history, new scholarship, or creative interests.


Members of UMRA’s 2024–25 Board of Directors were elected in May. Directors are elected to three-year terms and may serve two consecutive terms.


The UMRA membership year runs from July 1 to June 30, and now there is a new and easy way to see whether you have already renewed for 2025. Look to the right of your name in the address field on page 12 of the September 2024 print newsletter you received, and you will see a four-digit year. If it says “2025,” it means you have renewed. 
