A good time to join the Campus Club

The Campus Club fall membership drive is underway and if you join now you’ll receive a 60 percent discount on first-year dues. UMRA members already receive a dues discount, but if you join before the end of December the cost is just $88 for your first year. You’ll also receive a free lunch certificate and a chance to spin the membership drive prize wheel and win some Campus Club gear. 

Already a member? Anyone who recruits a new member will also receive a free lunch certificate and a chance to spin the prize wheel.

Member benefits include free meeting rooms and access to great programs and events, including Trivia nights, monthly Taco Tuesday dinners, pairing dinners, wine classes, and free yoga! The best part of the Campus Club is the people you'll see and meet there, old friends and new. There isn’t a more welcoming place on campus.

Sign up online, at the club, or call Executive Director Ann Holt at 612-624-662.

—Judy Leahy Grimes, UMRA representative to the Campus Club Board of Directors
