Grant application deadline reminder

December 11 is the application deadline for next year’s awards from the Professional Development Grants for Retirees (PDGR) program. Approved proposals will be announced in March 2021; grants will start on April 1 and extend to June 30 of the following year. 

All University of Minnesota retirees from the Twin Cities and Coordinate Campuses who are eligible for University retirement benefits and who will be fully retired by the time of their award may apply for grants of any amount up to $4,000. The Application Instructions (attached below) provide information about project requirements and how to apply. The total to be awarded in 2021 will be $20,000 which, because of pandemic-related University budget reductions, is less than in most previous years.

UMRA recently initiated an ambitious campaign with the goal of building a substantial reserve fund for our PDGR program. Two generous long-time supporters of the program have each offered to match $10,000 in contributions 1:1, so $20,000 in matching funds are available this year. 

One can make a contribution online or support this fund with a future estate gift. For more information about an estate gift, please contact Lynn Praska at the University of Minnesota Foundation, [email protected] or 612-624-4158.

A summary of some of the things accomplished with previous awards can be found at PDGR Impact Study. Anyone with other questions or suggestions should contact John Bantle, MD.

—John Bantle, MD, UMRA Grants Committee chair

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