Hello, my name is Ann Nordby

Hometown. Beautiful south Minneapolis. I’ve lived in many places, but I am now back in Minneapolis. I love it here.  

When did you join UMRA? 2023 

What was your very first job? At age 15 I got a seasonal job in the Sears catalog department. We would grab order lists from the vacuum tubes lining the walls, then wait for the listed items to come down giant wooden slides connected to the warehouses upstairs. We wrapped the items together with string and cut the string with an odd piece of jewelry: a ring that had a sharp hook-like a claw. I think I was paid $1.85 per hour. I took the bus to and from work, and I enjoyed it very much.

What was your occupation when you retired from FT work? I’m a writer, editor, and writing coach. Since leaving the U, I have two sides to my business: At this time of year, I’m busy coaching high school students to write effective college application essays. Year-round, I write and edit reports and other materials as a contractor at the U. I’m a learner, so I love diving into subjects as diverse as shared autonomous vehicles, food security, and plastic waste recycling through pyrolysis. I get to interview many interesting students and faculty members. 

Do you have a favorite place on the U of M campus? The Campus Club! I have been a member since I started working at the U, and I still am. I love going there for Trivia Mafia, or just to have lunch. Their salad buffet is delicious, and the view is great, too. 

What is a fun fact about you we might not know? I’m a jazz fiend and a midcentury girl. In my mind, these things go together. I love Mrs. Maisel, Danish modern furniture, and the Dakota Jazz Club.  

What is something you currently enjoy doing with your time? I like to exercise regularly. I walk with UMRA’s hiking group, I go to a water aerobics class in the St. Paul Gym pool, and I practice yoga at home. But cycling is my favorite. When I ride my bike, I feel like a kid. Or a bird. 
