Hello, my name is Brad Clary

Hometown: Richmond, Virginia

When did you join UMRA? As I recall, I became a member of UMRA in 2020.

What was your very first job? My first paying job was in high school as a clerk/messenger on the staff of a local law firm, where I eventually, many years later, became a partner.

What was your occupation when you retired from FT work? I was a clinical professor of law in the U of M Law School. I joined the Law School full time in 1999 after teaching as an adjunct for many years. I liked law practice, and loved teaching.

You took up tae kwon do in midlife, earned your black belt two years ago, and have said that it helped to make you a better teacher. How? I originally went to the tae kwon do class as a father-son activity. I kept going because it helps continuous improvement in patience, focus, perseverance, and balance. These are all good things for teachers.

You were honored with several distinctions during your career, for outstanding contributions to teaching and legal writing. What did you learn from your students? I learned to meet students where they are.

What is something you currently enjoy doing with your time? I enjoy travel, chess, bridge, and sailing.

Do you have a favorite place on the U of M campus? I think my favorite place on campus is the mall in front of Northrop. That is such a beautiful spot, especially when the weather is sunny and pleasant.
