HELLO, my name is Camilla Reiersgord

Hometown: Minneapolis.

When did you become a member of UMRA? In 2018. I joined with my husband, Arthur Klassen, retired professor of neurology. My parents both graduated from the U. As a student, my father was on the Gopher rifle team captained by Harold Stassen!

Where was your very first job? We lived next door to Memorial Stadium. On game days the popcorn truck parked at our house and we parked cars in the yard. I graduated from the U at age 20 and tried medical school, but moved to Cincinnati at age 21 to work at Procter & Gamble.

Where were you in 1968? I was a student at the U of M Law school. Graduated from law school in 1970. There were 10 women in my law school class. I was a founding member of Minnesota Women Lawyers.

What is a fun fact about you we might not know? I worked in Dr. Ancel Keyes’ lab in the 1950s. [Keyes, a pioneer in the field of nutrition science, studied the relationship between diet and health, research that landed him on the cover of Time magazine in 1961.]

What is something you currently enjoy doing with your time? I enjoy following the stock market. I have belonged to several investment clubs, but all have disbanded due to the chores of reporting everything. Appreciated stocks make good donations. I have a big yard and old trees, and this provides outdoor fun. My neighbors all have sprinkling systems. I still drag the hoses around. My 1909 home is a challenge. I’m told a horse slept in the basement. My home is located in two communities, Edina and St. Louis Park. This provides a lot of interesting opportunity for compliance.  
