HELLO, my name is Craig Swan

Hometown: I was born in San Francisco.

When did you join UMRA? In 2010.

What was your very first job? For a few years, starting when I was in third grade, I made and sold pot holders going door to door. My memory is that I sold them for 15 cents for one or two for a quarter.

What was your occupation when you retired from FT work? I was a professor of economics and vice provost and dean for undergraduate education.

Where were you in 1969 when Apollo 11 landed on the moon? We were living in New Haven, Connecticut, getting ready to move to Minneapolis. We had a driveway moment listening to the moon landing on our AM car radio, and then watched Neil Armstrong take his first steps on the moon later that night.

If you were an Olympic athlete, what would you like your sport to be? Maybe the tug of war or Olympic dueling, in which contestants fire wax bullets at each other. These were part of the 1908 Olympics, but not now. I learned about these events when looking into the Olympic experience of an uncle who in 1908 tied the world record for the 100-meter dash. He was injured in training and not able to run in the Olympic finals.

Do you have a favorite place on the U of M campus? The Weisman Art Museum. It is such a unique building and has such interesting exhibits.

What is a fun fact about you we might not know? John Foster Dulles and I are third cousins once removed, which means that his younger brother Allen Dulles, the longest serving director of the CIA, is also my third cousin. As I tell my children, you don’t get to choose your ancestors.

What is something you currently enjoy doing with your time? I have become the family historian and share what I have learned with my children, siblings, and cousins in weekly emails. Using this material, I have put together several books on family history. It is a way of addressing the question as to what will happen to all those files and pictures in the attic when you die.
