HELLO, my name is Julie Westlund

Hometown: I was born in Duluth and grew up in Two Harbors, Minnesota.

When did you join UMRA? In the fall of 2022 and I'm so glad I did! I've found the programs to be very interesting and informative.

What was your very first job? Babysitting my three siblings for 25 cents an hour. I did a lot more babysitting during junior and senior high school; then I worked at the Lake County Historical Society Museum in Two Harbors for several summers.

What was your occupation when you retired from FT work? I retired as the director of UMD Career and Internship Services, a position I enjoyed for 30-plus years.  

What about your work in higher education meant the most to you? Many aspects of my 40-year career in UMD Career Services meant a lot to me! The most important was the opportunity to do meaningful work serving students and making a difference in their lives. Some of my most precious memories are of moments when students shared their stories with me and thanked me for helping them. Another aspect was the opportunity to collaborate with outstanding colleagues. Conceiving and implementing large U of M System projects such as GoldPASS and the U of M Job Fair that impacted students at all U of M campuses was another important factor that made my work very satisfying. 

If you were competing in the 2024 Olympics in Paris, what would you like your sport to be? Swimming. I spent many happy hours swimming at our family lakeside cabin, and participated in a girls' synchronized swimming club during junior and senior high school.  

Do you have a favorite place on campus? My favorite place was the UMD Career and Internship Services office at 22 Solon Campus Center, where I worked with wonderful colleagues and students. We created a warm, inviting, and fun atmosphere for all who entered. It was my “happy place!” 

What is a fun fact about you we might not know? I’m a foodie. I enjoy the adventure of finding new restaurants and experimenting with new recipes.

What is something you currently enjoy doing with your time? In retirement, I’ve taken up walking and yoga and enjoy doing both with friends. I also enjoy a variety of creative activities from quilting to gardening to flower arranging. Reading is another interest. I love to read and share my favorite books with others.
