HELLO, my name is Lawrence Rudnick

Hometown: Philadelphia

When did you join UMRA? June 2020

What was your very first job? Teaching beginning Hebrew.

What was your occupation when you retired from FT work? 
Professor of Astrophysics.

What is the name of the first record you bought? 
Probably That's the Way It's Gonna Be by The Chad Mitchell Trio.

If you could learn a new skill, what would you like it to be? 
Hand magic.

Do you have a favorite place on the U of M campus? 
The RecWell Center, since it makes me feel virtuous when I go there. Also, the marvelous Bell Museum on the campus in St. Paul. One of my biggest non-research achievements, after 26 years of ups and downs, was helping to establish the new planetarium there.

What is a fun fact about you we might not know? 
Despite a career using cooperative groups in my teaching, I'm not a very good group member, unless I'm in charge. I guess people who know me already know that. But I worked for many years on public TV’s Newton’s Apple, explaining everything from why the sky is blue to how seat belts and solar eclipses work, and why wagon wheels go backwards in old western movies.

What is something you currently enjoy doing with your time? 
Bike riding around the city.

