HELLO, my name is Lee Munnich

Hometown: Minneapolis 

When did you join UMRA? 2021

What was your very first job? Minneapolis Morning Tribune carrier salesman. In the 1950s, that’s what they called paperboys, who were also expected to sell newspaper subscriptions. I won two trips to Chicago on the Milwaukee Road train for selling subscriptions.

What was your occupation when you retired from FT work? Senior fellow and director of the Humphrey School’s State and Local Policy Program. I worked part time as a senior researcher studying transportation policy and economic competitiveness at the Humphrey School for five years after retiring from my full-time position.

What was your first car? 1947 Chevy

If you could learn a new skill, what would you like it to be? I’d like to learn more about how the brain works.

Do you have a favorite place on the U of M campus? The railroad walk bridge over the Mississippi River between the East Bank and downtown Minneapolis. It’s part of one of my favorite daily walks from my condo on the river.

What is a fun fact about you we might not know? I was elected twice to the Minneapolis City Council, representing the 7th Ward in the 1970s.

What is something you currently enjoy doing with your time? I enjoy activities with other residents of La Rive Condominiums where my wife, Kevina Munnich, and I have lived for the past six years. I organize our La Rive “Great Conversations” lecture series, participate in a social and racial justice group, and have hosted a Zoom TGIF for La Rive residents during the pandemic.

Kevina and I visited Australia and New Zealand in 2018 as part of a study trip to learn about New Zealand’s distance-based road pricing system for funding transportation, and we are looking forward to traveling again as the pandemic subsides: Louisville in April to spend time with our daughter and granddaughters; Washington, DC, in early June for our Georgetown University reunion; an Ireland tour in mid-June; and an Italy tour in September.
