HELLO, my name is Mariann Tiblin

Hometown: I was born in an industrial town in central Sweden, now Borlänge, in the province of Dalarna.

When did you become a member of UMRA? In 2002, after retirement from University Libraries.

What was your very first job? Helping out in the local bookstore when on school breaks.

What was your occupation when you retired from full-time work? 
I worked in University Libraries from 1968 until retirement, with responsibility for collection development and reference services for Scandinavian Area Studies. I was recruited to the University of Minnesota after graduation from the University of Stockholm and Swedish Library School.

What was your first car? My first car, after arriving in Minneapolis, was a 1969 Toyota Corolla station wagon with front-wheel drive, a novelty in those days that made it possible to drive through unplowed alleys without getting stuck.

If you could learn a new skill, what would you like it to be? Or, if you were an Olympic athlete, what would you like your sport to be? 
Guitar playing; cross-country skiing.

Do you have a favorite place on the U of M campus? In the stacks of any of the campus and county libraries. Not a common experience in these days of digitization, but a great way of exploring a subject area. Also, walking across the bridge between the East and West Bank, any direction, any season. And the Dunn Brothers Coffee shop in the basement of Wilson Library.

What is a fun fact about you we might not know? I like schottische and polka dancing. And yes, I alphabetize my spices. :)

What is something you currently enjoy doing with your time? Visiting farmers' markets, cooking from scratch, hand crafts (doing and looking at), studying book arts, traveling locally.
