Help the Cares Committee start a new book group

The Cares Committee wishes to suggest some new interesting books published this year on health and aging. Check your local library or bookseller for these references.  After your read, please send us a one- or two-paragraph summary along with the author, title, and publisher to share with readers of the UMRA Newsletter and Website. If you would like to participate in discussions of books like these, send your name and contact information for the purpose of starting a health/aging book group. 

  • Disrupt Aging,  by Jo Ann Jenkins
  • Old Age: A beginners guide by Michael Kinsley
  • Becoming Wise: Inquiry into the mystery and art of living, by Krista Tippet
  • The Violet Hour: Great writers at the end by Kate Roiphe
  • The Sleep Revolution: Transforming your life, one night at a time by A. Huffington
  • When Breath Becomes Air by Paul Kalanithi

Send your thoughts in an e-mail to [email protected].
