How to Zoom

Are you avoiding interesting UMRA programs because you’re unsure how to join a Zoom meeting or attend a Zoom webinar? 

You’re not alone. There is no pill or elixir that will cure you. But it is not all that difficult.

Zoom has become such a prominent feature of daily life it’s hard to believe most of us had never heard of it barely six months ago. What is Zoom? It’s a web-based, video conferencing service like WebEx, GoToMeeting, or Skype. Since the onset of the pandemic, Zoom has become overwhelmingly preferred because it is considered to be more robust and easier to use, for both work and socializing. 

Go to and use your U of M Internet ID (aka x500 email address) to download the Zoom desktop app and sign up for a free Zoom account.

Meeting vs. webinar

A Zoom meeting is a collaborative gathering; every attendee is able to participate on video and audio. A Zoom webinar is a more formal event, intended for presentations, panel discussions, and larger audiences. Some Zoom events require registration, some do not. That is up to the event organizer.

When you register for an UMRA Zoom event, you will receive a Registration Confirmation email with critical information. The most important is the URL or “link” for joining the Zoom event. 

The link will be preceded by an instruction: 

Please click this URL to join.
Join Zoom Meeting. 

Clicking the link in blue should get this message:

When system dialog prompts, click Allow

If you have Zoom Client installed, launch meeting. Otherwise download and run Zoom.

If you cannot download or run the application, join from your browser.

If the Zoom Client has been loaded on your device, click launch meeting and that’s what should happen.  

But you don’t need the Zoom Client if all you want to do is join a meeting. Just click join from your browser. You will be asked to enter your name. You may also have to click that you are Not a Robot. Then click Join and you should be in the meeting.

If you are an early bird, you may get a message like this:

Waiting for the Host to start this meeting.

Just sit back and wait or read something for a few minutes.

Once in the meeting there should be a Full Screen option at the top of your screen: a square with arrows in the corners and the words “Enter Full Screen.” Click this if you want the Zoom screen to fill your whole screen. Hit the Esc key when you want to escape the Full Screen option.

mute and stop icons

At the bottom of the Zoom screen there should be a microphone and a camera icon. If there is a red line through the mic icon, your mic will be muted. Clicking the icon will switch from mute to unmute. Similarly, a red line through the camera icon indicates others cannot see you. Clicking the icon will switch your camera on or off. If you don’t see the icons, hover your mouse over the screen and they should appear.

If you’re having trouble hearing, be sure the volume on your device is turned on and up. Or, use earbuds or headphones.

A few more tips:

  • Mute your mic when you’re not speaking to avoid disruptive sounds from yourself or your surroundings.
  • Use the “raise hand” icon or simply unmute your mic when you want to speak.
  • Arrange your location so your face is centered in the screen and the light source is facing (rather than behind) you, so others can see you.
  • If using a tablet or phone, place it somewhere stable; don’t hold it in your hand. Moving the device uses bandwidth.
  • If two people in the same household are attending the same Zoom event, share one device or sit in separate rooms to avoid audio feedback. Muting the speaker on one device is not enough. 

Now relax, join in, and enjoy the meeting!

—Craig Swan and Kristine Mortensen
