Important notice from OHR on 2020 changes to faculty retirement plan


The Office of Human Resources looks forward to working together with UMRA in the new year. Last week a rather long email regarding the University of Minnesota transition to Fidelity was sent to active participants. The Faculty Consultative Committee members provided a great deal of input to the email and it was at their recommendation that we send this out. In addition to the opportunities to connect starting the week of January 28th with Fidelity, we have added 4 forums on two days in Minneapolis and St. Paul as noted in this email. We will have additional information on those forums to share next week. The idea is to again cover the details we have provided, with recent updates, and then to have a Q&A period.   

The first day you can make changes is February 3 and the deadline is March 17. The changeover then takes place and you can make changes after the blackout period.

Given the distribution likely did not cover retirees, here is a link to the newsletter, Discover Your Retirement, sent in the email.


Ken Horstman
