Information for future retirees

UMRA made contact with 188 attendees at the pre-retirement seminars, March 1 and 10, sponsored by the Office of Human Resources. Each received a copy of the UMRA brochure at the seminar and requested an electronic copy of the “UMRA Retirement Kit,” which was subsequently delivered by e-mail. Although many of the seminar attendees may be several years from their retirement, this recruitment activity by the Membership Committee informs them about UMRA and encourages them to consider becoming members when they retire.

The “UMRA Retirement Kit March 2016” is an annotated directory with active web links to a broad range of topics related to the retirement process as well as issues of interest to retirees.

UMRA members may also find this a useful starting point when researching a new topic. The “UMRA Retirement Kit, March 2016” and the associated file, UMRA Retirement Kit Forms, March 2016, are available on the UMRA website on the Member Services page in the column entitled UMN Resources (

— John Anderson, chair, Membership Committee
