Input requested on UMRA website

Several UMRA members with website and communication interests and skills have begun meeting to work on a redesign of the UMRA website. The redesign has been precipitated by scheduled changes in U of M website software. As we begin planning for our redesign, the UMRA web team is looking in depth at content, organization, design, and layout.

We invite input from our membership regarding any changes, additions, or other suggestions you might have for the new site design. We are especially interested in feedback from newer UMRA members. 

  1. What information do you use on the website? How often?
  2. Is there content or information you would like to see added to the UMRA website?
  3. Have you had difficulty finding something in the past year? If so, where did you expect to find it? Or, where do you think it should be located?
  4. What other comments and/or suggestions do you have for the website?

Feel free to respond to these questions, or send a note on whatever you find important, to Cathy Lee Gierke at [email protected].

We are also planning a virtual focus group for more in-depth conversation in the near future. Please email me as soon as possible to let me know if you would like to be a part of this discussion. Thank you.

—Cathy Lee Gierke, UMRA webmaster
