Meet the candidates

Candidate for President-elect
Bill Donohue retired from the U of M in 2016 after serving for 33 years in the Office of General Counsel as a litigator, director of litigation, deputy general counsel, and finally general counsel. Bill provided legal advice on matters affecting all aspects of the University and supervised and hired personnel to meet increasing legal needs. Before coming to the University, he served in the Minnesota Attorney General’s Office for several years.

Candidate for re-election as Treasurer
Carl Adams retired in 2013 from the faculty of Information and Decision Sciences in the Carlson School of Management. He served as department chairman for 18 years; special assistant for Planning for Bob Stein and subsequently President Nils Hasselmo; and director of Management Information Systems Research in CSOM for six years. He also served on the University Senate in many capacities over 40 years. Carl has served on the UMRA Board since May 2014 and as treasurer since 2015. active in supporting,” he says.

Candidate for election as Secretary
Lynn C. Anderson was director of Curriculum Integration and associate director of the Learning Abroad Center for eight years, and senior advisor in CLA Advising for 19 years. She taught German, ESL, and foreign studies at the U of M and was the SPAN faculty advisor for students doing research in Germany. Lynn served on boards for various international education organizations and on Earthwatch’s board of advisors. Before retiring, she served six years as dean of International Education and director of the International Center at UC San Diego.

Four Candidates for the Board of Directors
Frank Cerra joined the U of M in 1981 as a trauma critical care surgeon and conducted a large research program, publishing in liver cell metabolism, nutritional and metabolic support of the critically ill and injured, and interprofessional education. Entering academic administration as department head in Surgery, he became dean of the Medical School, and then served 15 years as senior vice president for Health. In 2011 he stepped away to become senior advisor to the National Center for Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice.

Claudia Parliament retired in 2015 after 30 years as a faculty member in the Department of Applied Economics. During that time, she served as director of the Minnesota Council on Economic Education, a non-profit within the University promoting economic education. In retirement she continues her interest in synchronized swimming. She currently serves on the UMRA Activities Committee and chairs the newly created Communications and Outreach Committee. Claudia has served on the Board since 2017 and is standing for re-election to a three-year term.

Kaimay Yuen Terry was born and raised in Hong Kong and received degrees from Oberlin College, the University of Chicago, and Johns Hopkins University. She has served as senior health planner, United Way of Minneapolis; codirector of the (National Institutes of Health) Aging Project, George Washington University; and chief, Community Social Service, Tufts New England Medical Center. Her company, K.Y. Terry and Associates, provides corporate seminars on work and family balance. VideoMed, Inc., which she founded, produces multilingual health information videos nationwide.

Gloria Williams retired in 2009 after teaching and research activities for 14 years on the faculty of the Department of Design, Housing, and Apparel in the College of Design. In 2013, she received a Professional Development Grant for Retirees award to do research on crafting an intellectual biography of Joanne Bubolz Eicher. She serves as UMRA’s historian and is standing for re-election for her second three-year term.

— Julie Medbery, UMRA Newsletter editorial team
