A new look for the UMRA website in December

After a year of planning and site development work by the UMRA web migration team, we will launch a new UMRA website in December. The redesign was necessitated by the U's move to a new web software version. The new design was informed by feedback from UMRA members and our web statistics.

You'll still find all the content you've come to rely on as well as a few new things. Here’s a brief summary of what you’ll see:

Home page—The updated home page welcomes and engages new and prospective members and highlights important information including upcoming events, current news, and more.

About Us—Want to know more about UMRA? This is a good place to start. Information about UMRA’s mission and priorities, leadership, the various committees, liaisons, and representatives is all found here along with a printable fact sheet.

Get Involved—Are you looking for ways to be involved in UMRA activities? Here you’ll find opportunities for members to connect, serve, and learn. You’ll find information about interest groups, committees, travel, social activities and more. Prospective members will find links to join UMRA. 

Programs and Events—UMRA holds eight forums and eight workshops every year. You’ll find information about these programs here as well as events held by interest groups. And the new Calendar of Events gives you a month by month breakdown of what’s happening and when in all of our UMRA groups.

News—The News page shows all the latest UMRA news and now includes the option to choose the specific type of news you want to see by clicking on a news category. One new section to check out is Book Notes where you’ll find book reviews from the UMRA book clubs as well as non-book club reviews submitted by members. 

Service and Outreach—UMRA members have multiple opportunities to give back to the community and the organization. Learn how you can contribute your time to a good cause, including information about mentoring at UMN. 

Resources—Valuable resources to help you navigate retirement and senior living can be found here as well as a list of the many UMRA membership benefits and discounts and information about grants that are available for retirees.

Member Portal—This is the place to go when you want to update your membership, make a forum reservation, edit your profile, or find another member.

UMRA webmaster Cathy Lee Gierke gathered a group of long-standing members to facilitate this redesign and welcomed two new members, all of whom have contributed countless hours to make the new site a success. Once we  launch, we’ll be sure to let you know so you can check it out! We're very excited about the new site and we look forward to hearing from you about other things you would like to see.
