Nominating Committee seeks board and officer candidates

The Nominating Committee, appointed by the UMRA Board of Directors at its January meeting, is charged with providing a strong slate of candidates for election by the members of UMRA at our annual meeting in May.  

The following are up for election or re-election: 

  • at least four board positions, each for a three-year term (renewable) 
  • treasurer and secretary, each for a one-year term (renewable) 
  • president-elect, for a one-year term followed by one year each as president and immediate past-president 

The UMRA Board has a strong record of providing programs, services, and opportunities to University retirees, but each year we depend upon membership engagement to continue and build upon our past efforts. 

We ask that you consider how you can contribute to UMRA by offering to run for a position yourself, or by nominating one or more candidates you think would add value and perspective to the Board’s efforts. 

Please contact me at [email protected] with suggestions or questions. Thank you. 

—Jerry Rinehart, UMRA past-president and chair, Nominating Committee
