Nominations requested

The main responsibility of the immediate past president, besides serving on the UMRA Board of Directors and Executive Committee, is to chair the Nominating Committee for the next year’s Board and officers. In discharging this duty, I seek the assistance of the entire membership.

Per UMRA’s bylaws, the Nominating Committee consists of two Board members (including the past president) and three UMRA members not on the Board. If you would like to serve on the committee or suggest someone else for our consideration, please let me know as soon as possible. We seek a diverse committee that collectively knows a lot of UMRA members.

Once the committee is appointed, it will seek candidates for president-elect and several at-large Board positions. Here, too, we welcome your suggestions (as well as self-nominations). 

Please take this charge seriously. Member involvement is crucial to all aspects of our organization, but especially when it comes to selecting our leadership. I look forward to hearing from many of you.

—Chip Peterson, UMRA past president, 651-699-4286 or [email protected]
