Nominations sought for UMRA officers and board members

The 2023 UMRA Nominating Committee has begun its work to identify a slate of candidates for UMRA board members and officers. We invite you to nominate yourself or other members for election to these important positions in our organization. The committee will consider nominations and make recommendations to the current board at its March 27 meeting. 

The members of UMRA will elect board members and officers at our annual meeting in May. We will elect up to four board members, each for a three-year term (2023–26, renewable); a treasurer and a secretary, each for a one-year term (renewable); and a president-elect, for a one-year term followed by one year as president and a third year as past president. The president, treasurer, secretary, president-elect, and past president comprise the Executive Committee of the UMRA Board of Directors. 

I’m pleased to lead the 2023 Nominating Committee with the following members appointed by the current board: 

  • Dale Blyth, UMRA member and professor emeritus, College of Education and Human Development
  • Cathy Godlewski, UMRA member and retired Medical School administrator
  • Eric Hockert, UMRA president-elect
  • Russell Luepker, UMRA board member
  • Jerry Rinehart, URVC Council chair
  • Cathrine Wambach, UMRA board member
  • Becky Yust, UMRA member and professor emerita, College of Design

Please send your nomination suggestions or questions to me at [email protected].

—Jan Morlock, UMRA past president and Nominating Committee chair
