Nominations sought for UMRA officers and directors

The members of the 2024 UMRA Nominating Committee are Ron Matross, chair, Jerry Rinehart, Julie Sweitzer, Brad Clary, Russell Luepker, Jeanne Markell, and Lynn Anderson.  

Our job is to propose a slate of officers and directors to the current UMRA Board of Directors at its March meeting. If approved, the slate will be published in the May issue of the UMRA newsletter and eNews (which will be sent to all UMRA members in late April), and members will vote via e-mail in mid May. The results will be announced at UMRA’s 2024 Annual Meeting on May 28. 

We invite you to contribute to UMRA by volunteering to run for a position yourself or by nominating someone else who would add value and perspective to our organization. 

We will elect up to four board members, each for a three-year term (2024–27, renewable); a treasurer and a secretary, each for a one-year term (renewable); and a president-elect, for a one-year term followed by one year as president and a third year as past president. The president, treasurer, secretary, president-elect, past president, and URVC Council chair comprise the Executive Committee of the UMRA Board of Directors. 

Please send your nomination suggestions or questions to me at [email protected]u. 

—Ron Matross, UMRA past president and 2024 Nominating Committee chair
