Now you can search this website

When you are looking at any of the UMRA website content, the upper right University of Minnesota menu includes a search field – followed by the “magnifying glass” icon. You have always been able to search the entire University using that tool. Now when you enter your search term on our website, it is searched and the results are presented separately from the rest of the University.

Because multiple persons who actively support UMRA are just now starting to contribute material of interest to members, the website content is growing rapidly. Our website platform archives past events and older news items, but they remain part of the website and respond to searching. You may find that a simple search returns dozens – or more – hits.

You may want to enclose a phrase or name in quotes to search for the exact term you are seeking, or you may want to use logical operators to focus the choices, for example: parking AND discount AND coupon finds half as many answers as it would without the ANDs.

One further note: many answers to searches will be found in UMRA’s excellent monthly Newsletter. Newsletters are stored on the website as PDF files, and their contents are searched as well. So looking for a short answer may bring you a 6-page newsletter or other file to scan through. But don’t be discouraged, that may be the best way to find the answer you seek!

Try this new search feature to get even more value from our website.

—     David Naumann, UMRA co-webmaster [email protected]
