PDGR deadline reminder

If you’re still thinking about applying for support from the Professional Development Grants for Retirees (PDGR) program for the 2020–21 academic year, the deadline is December 13.

Grants may provide up to $5,000 to support professional interests, including expenses for travel and per diem costs related to research trips and conference attendance; stipends for undergraduate and/or graduate research assistants; photocopying; the purchase of books, computer hardware and software; and other relevant costs of scholarship. Grants do not cover salary for the applicant or institutional overhead charges. 

Instructions for submitting applications can be found on the UMRA website along with abstracts of all the grants awarded since 2009. It is an impressive list and shows the value the PDGR program has played in helping retirees from all parts of the University remain actively engaged in their professional lives.

—Dick Poppele, chair, PDGR Committee
