Searching on UMRA's website

Given Minnesota’s vaunted Scandinavian heritage, it may not be surprising to find that there is more than one Kathryn Pearson associated with the University. It may be more of a surprise to learn that November 15, 2006 speaker Kathryn Pearson (the same one) was our speaker on November 27, 2012, after that election.

While all of the UMRA Newsletters going back to 2004-5 are on the UMRA site, scanning through each one to find an item or a reference would be a forbidding task. Fortunately, the builders of the platform our site is built upon had thought of that. The familiar U of M page heading includes a blank search field and a Search button. On our site the search results default to just our site, not the whole U.

We recommend that you take advantage of this search capability. And of course you can include Boolean search terms (AND, OR, NOT) to refine your search.

-- Webmasters David Naumann, [email protected] and Cathy Lee Gierke, [email protected]
