Staying in touch this summer

Since COVID hit in spring 2020, we’ve kept up the pace with UMRA programs. The quick pivot was thanks to an “all-hands-on-deck” effort from UMRA members who stepped up to develop programs, our news editor and event producer Kris Mortensen, and the UMRA volunteers who gave themselves a crash course in Zoom webinar technology to make sure we had the know-how to keep our programs accessible to members while we were all staying home—or wherever!

The Program Committee is looking at ways to keep that momentum going over the summer and, later this year, to being able to meet again in person. For June or July, we’d like to try a virtual program with more opportunity for member interactions than that afforded by the webinar format. And for August, we may try an outdoor gathering where we can greet each other in person but still follow the best guidance from the public health folks.

Because the UMRA newsletter is not published over the summer, we’ll email announcements via the UMRA listserv, and also post the dates and information about the events on the UMRA website and Facebook page. Check out the UMRA Facebook group if you’re not already a member. It’s a good place to share your own reflections and to stay in touch with other UMRA members and University retirees.

—Jan Morlock, president-elect and Program Committee chair

