Supporting the U at the Legislature

UMRA’s mission is, in part, that of advocating for the University. The University is making a major request to the Minnesota Legislature in the 2024 session. The request includes funds for facility upgrades and repairs, core mission support, and for the future of academic health. UMRA’s advocacy started with a number of our members attending U of M Day at the Capitol on February 22.

UMRA can continue showing its support for the Board of Regents’ legislative agenda in a number of ways. The first is familiarizing one’s self with that agenda. It consists of three priorities: Capital Request (bonding), Budget Request, and an Academic Health Request. These are three critical requests for the University.

Advocacy by UMRA members can be important in the granting of these requests, and there are several ways to become a UMN advocate and show that support to your elected officials, including emails, phone calls, visits to your elected representatives, and rallies coordinated by the U.  

In this process, it is also important to stay abreast of the University’s guidance and focus by visiting the Government and Community Relations website

As a closing thought, a new University president will soon be upon us. It is important that both the current interim and the new president receive UMRA support in leading the U with the Board of Regents.

—Frank B. Cerra, MD, UMRA government relations liaison and past president 
