UMRA Annual Meeting marks changing of the guard for 2023–24

The 2023 UMRA Annual Meeting was held in person at the Campus Club on May 23.  Following a delicious lunch and prior to a thought-provoking forum presentation by Mark Coyle and Jeremiah Carter of the University of Minnesota Department of Athletics, UMRA President Ron Matross convened a business meeting of all members present. He announced the results of the election officers and new board members that was conducted online in the week leading up to the meeting. 

The slate of candidates for 2023–24 recommended by the Nominating Committee was overwhelmingly approved by the vote of the members. 

Julie Sweitzer, president-elect
Laurie Koch, secretary
Kristy Frost-Griep, treasurer (elected to a second term)
Bradley Clary, Diane Gihl, Michael Hancher, Wendy Lougee (new board members)
John Bantle, Jan McCulloch, Barbara Shiels (re-elected board members)

Eric Hockert automatically moves from president-elect to president on July 1. Continuing officers are Ron Matross, past-president, and Jerry Rinehart, URVC Council chair; and continuing directors are Frank Cerra, Will Craig, Russell Luepker, Kate Maple, Jan Morlock, KaiMay Yuen Terry, and Diane Young.

Outgoing board members Bill Donohue, Cathy Lee Gierke, Cherie Hamilton, and Cathrine Wambach were thanked by President Matross—and all in attendance—for their service.

Via the same online ballot, UMRA members unanimously approved minutes from the 2022 Annual Meeting and an amendment to the UMRA By-Laws that will effectively combine the governance of UMRA and the University of Minnesota Retirees Volunteer Center, leveraging the strength and resources of both organizations and improving engagement with retirees.

After the main order of business, President-elect Hockert stepped to the podium to thank President Matross, on behalf of all of us, for his excellent leadership in the 2022–23 year, a time of surging growth in UMRA membership, implementation of the reaffiliation with URVC, and responding to challenges and opportunities in our operating environment.  Thank you to Ron and all the officers and board members for your service to UMRA!

—Jan Morlock, Nominating Committee chair and past president (2021–22)
