UMRA Board chooses Midland Hills for luncheon forums

UMRA will hold five of its in-person luncheon forums at Midland Hills Country Club in Roseville this program year (September, October, November, March, and April). The forums in January and February 2024 will be virtual events via Zoom. The May 2024 Annual Meeting and Luncheon Forum location will be decided later and may be either Midland Hills or the Campus Club in Coffman Memorial Union. 

The UMRA Board selected Midland Hills for the following reasons:

Cost. Estimates from Midland Hills were considerably lower. If we were to meet at the Campus Club, we would have to raise the charge for our luncheon forums from $30 to $35.

Positive feedback. In our surveys, those who attended last year’s forums at Midland Hills gave it high marks for its food and service, and easy and free parking.

Uncertainty about the Campus Club. Ongoing discussions between the Campus Club and the U of M provost have left the future of the Campus Club in doubt. While the Campus Club would like to have our business, they told us it was not crucial to their survival.

Midland Hills has roots in the University and is considered by some to be part of the larger University community. It was started by faculty in 1921 as the original “University of Minnesota Golf Course.” The University Women’s Club and several other University organizations meet there today. 

Reservations for our 2023–24 luncheon forums are now open on the UMRA website. Go to > Member Portal > Forum Reservations where you can make your reservations and pay for individual or multiple programs. 

