UMRA Board seeks volunteers

The UMRA Board of Directors is seeking three volunteers to serve on the Nominating Committee, which will select candidates for the board and officers for the coming year. Please consider this opportunity to become engaged and/or to suggest someone else for the committee. Please also consider putting yourself forward for one of the open positions (to be announced in the next few months).

The Nominating Committee consists of these three volunteers, two current Board members, and the immediate past president (my position). To identify and put forward a strong pool of candidates, we seek a diverse committee with extensive collective familiarity with UMRA’s membership. The committee’s work does not involve a significant time commitment—likely just two or three meetings with additional email and telephone exchanges.

Member involvement is essential to UMRA’s success, particularly in determining leadership for the organization. Please let me know if you’re interested in helping in this way, or if you would like additional information on the work of the Board. 

—Jerry Rinehart, UMRA past president,  [email protected]
